Door on Transylvania

what this is about:

The series started with a project initiated by Cristian Bassa - a self-published book made for a humanitarian cause. The profits from the book sale will go to a orphan children association.

The basic rules - all photographers involved used the same type of disposable film camera, shooting at their own convenience - no previously established theme. Upon developing and scanning, the images were edited by the authors also at their own will. My decision was to capture a few people living in a small village in Northern Transylvania, on a common Sunday morning.
I stopped in front of a house where 4 girls were playing, asked permission to take a few pics, then their grandmother and great-grandmother and a friend showed up, and were also kind enough to accept taking part in the little challenge. Upon return to my own cottage up the hill, I shot a few random images which were later used to compose the seven diptychs.

The other two participants in this project:

Cristian Bassa and Jean-Daniel Beley